Hello, 👋
I’m Liz, and I believe untapped human potential is the greatest resource we have to address our world’s most pressing problems. As a transformational leadership coach, I support leaders and teams in being at their best more often so they can do their best work.
In a world with increasing and never-ending demands, being at our best is no easy feat. Leaders often turn to INFORMATION to support them - books, podcasts and trainings - but to achieve different results, leaders must in some way see, think, and be different first. Rather than INFORMATION, leaders need TRANSFORMATION. I support this process of inner growth to generate outer change.
To deliver on this promise of leaders and teams at their best, I partner with the world’s foremost leadership development organizations including Flourish, Bridge Partnerships and Nkuzi Change.
I have worked with organizations in various industries including Finance, Health & Wellness, Legal, Public Relations, Digital Marketing, and the Non-Profit Sector and have coached and facilitated workshops with leaders from Marsh McLennan, RSA, Google, Snap Media, VM ware, JP Morgan Chase, Johnson and Johnson.
I am accredited by the Co-Active Training Institute (CPCC) and the International Coach Federation (PCC), certified in the EQi 2.0 and Strengthscope assessment tools, and continue to pursue and complete additional trainings in somatics, adult developmental theory and positive psychology. I hold an MBA from McGill University and a BA from Western University. I am also a certified 200-hour yoga and mindfulness teacher and avid runner.
When not coaching, you can find me with my 4 kids, 2 pooches or hanging out along the inspiring waters of the Great Lake near my home - Lake Ontario.
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